Real Life, Real Stories… with Mick Tully

January 14, 2013

Mick Tully In Work Attire

Mick Tully is one of those great larger than life’s characters. He loves, he says, every little part of his life. From the minuscule details that would have most of others thinking why bother with that, to his business and his passion for martial arts. He’ll tell you (given the slightest of chances) that if you want to do something well, well do it. And do it. And do it.

And don’t just stop at the end of the training manual of how to do said thing, go and start another, seek out the teachers, the guru’s, your heroes and going get taught by them. And when you’ve done that start again. This is what it is to have a passion for something and Mick is a man of passion.

Shakespeare often quoted about love and losing love, then through loves loss you come to know it’s true value. Mick love of life nearly didn’t make it passed his 16th birthday, 2 attempts nearly saw to that. The darkness he felt from being battered and bullied as a child nearly precluded the light. But now the sun shines.

Listen to Mick talk about his passion, his love of martial arts, his appetite for life. This podcast contains Mick’s recipe to live an happy life. It may not be to everyone’s taste, but his way of living have much to offer and much for everyone to learn from.

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