Triathlon for Matty Coombes

September 23, 2011

It’s been quite a year so far for me.  I have transformed myself, losing the best part of four stone, resolving health issues that have hindered me for over 20 years and being in the best shape of my life.

Earlier in the year I became aware of a young lad in the same year and school as my daughter Lucie. His name is Matty Coombes. In July, aged 11, he died, less than six months after being diagnosed with cancer. It was truly sad for all those that knew him. He was such a happy lad in life and battled bravely throughout his illness.

Matty Coombes from Coventry, aged 11 died off cancer July 2001His story was recounted in our local paper and one thing that he said struck me. Matty said that, “Ward 15 of Birmingham Children’s Hospital wasn’t as the nice as the one next door” because of lack of funding. Ward 15 is where he received his cancer treatment.

I wanted to do something about this in Matty’s name and honour his memory.

With my new found fitness I set myself the challenge of doing a Triathlon. It’s this Sunday, 25 September in Buxton. It’s a real race and won’t be easy. I’ve had 5 weeks to prepare. In that time I’ have had to learn to swim front crawl and learn to ride a road bike. Let’s just say the saddle has left quite an impression.

Would you kindly consider to help with raising funds. The funds raised will go directly to Ward 15. They need things like soft furnishings, re-paintingfor the high dependency unit, better lighting. Simple things that make the ward feel more welcoming for children who are very poorly. Can you help?

The details of the event and more about the story and how to donate are here –

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Richard Barnes